I’m not too sure I know what to do when adding hiragana to the known words section, they represent the gammar of Japanese so far as I can tell, but I’m not confident that lingq makes it obvious how best they should be moved into the known section or marked for learning. I would post an example, but I’ve maxed out my lingqs for the moment on my free account, haven’t decided whether to go with this program yet, which makes it kind of awkaward to see what I mean even when I do it myself I just get the “oops you need to buy the course” type of message when I try to look for an example. I haven’t installed the Japanese ime on this computer either, so please bear with my stepping down to romanji to try and express an example.
Say some verb ends with janai, then it could be on the system as “ja na i”, not clumped together like I feel it should be is this on the things to fix list, or is it just that I chose badly constructed lessons or am I not understanding somethng pretty basic about how I should use the system?
Any thoughts greatly appreciated.