Just my opinion on membership cost

I just wanted to say that for poorer countries, the membership cost is a little bit expensive… I am willing to pay the full price of what LingQ offers, but it’s a little too much when I have to pay for a conversation, and especially for a writing correction. So, the membership price is ok, but points are little bit expensive… Just sayin’.

Not really. Every tutor I’ve spoken to lets the conversation go as long as it goes. My average conversation is a little more than 30 minutes, and I only end up paying 500 points for that.

500 points = 5 dollars = Not buying a little luxury that I would otherwise buy for myself.

Tutors on italki tend to charge about double, and they are much more rigid with their times, and teaching methods.

There are sites where you can have writings corrected for free. I have found that the quality is a lot lower there, than here. The corrections I have seen here each have at least a sentence of advice included with each marked error.

Another problem with sites like lang-8 is that I get a lot of unnecessary correction. Sometimes people correcting my mistakes will rewrite an entire sentence to fix a small grammatical error. In the end I don’t necessarily learn how to fix the little error that I made.

I’d love for there to be a sliding scare for prices based on what country you live in, but that is just not how the economy works. You have to remember that rich country does not equal a rich person, and that a poor country does not equal a poor person. A sliding scale based on income would make more sense, but I don’t necessarily feel like giving Lingq my tax information would be a good idea!! Even if it makes more sense, that would still make no sense since this is not a government or non profit organization. Canadian company does not mean Canada. You are not sending your money to Canada, you are sending it to Lingq.

Ninche, we cannot have different prices for different countries. It is unfortunate that we don’t offer your language, and in any case the demand would be low, so it is harder for you to earn points. But I understand what you are saying.

Okay, I just wanted to say my opinion, I’m not demanding anything. :slight_smile: I said I am willing to pay. I also look forward to adding Serbian as a language that people can learn on LingQ. :slight_smile: I can prepare some content such as “Who is she?”, and from my own imagination. :slight_smile: Just sayin’ again. :wink:

It would be great to see Serbian in Lingq.
As a Russian native speaker I understand about 50% when I listen to another Slavic language and about 70% by reading, but of course I would be like to improve my skills.
However, we have in Lingq not enough in Polish and nothing in Serbian, that’s a pity!

Oh, I’m glad that you want to see it too. :slight_smile: I understand quite a lot of Russian, too. :slight_smile: And we have some similar, or same words such as “yчитељица” - “teacher (f)” :smiley:

Someday, I will start to learn Russian too, but after I learn to speak French and Japanese. (I have a list of languages which I want to learn, and Russian is at the fourth place. :slight_smile: