Julie, please?

This message is for Julie. I attended a discussion called Improve your vocabulary and I enjoyed it a lot. Consequently, I subscrived to all of those discussions which are Friday at one o’clock in the afternoon. The August 25, I will work during the day and I will not be able to continue. I would like you to create another event around five o’clock in the afternoon. Also, I am sure that the event that you created about listening carefully, is also a really good idea, so if you create these two events, around 5 o’clock, I will subscrive to them. Before this time, it would be too difficult for to arrive on time. Thanks Julie and continue your great work! Johanne

I forgot to write 5 o’clock in the afternoon!!! Oups! Johanne

Hi, Johanne!
I am so glad you will be joining our Improve Your Vocabulary discussions. At this time, I am not able to schedule this at 5:00 pm on Fridays, but perhaps a different day would work for you as well. Is there another day at 5:00 that suits your schedule?

Hello Julie!
Thursday would be my first choice if it pleases you, my second would be Wednesday if you prefer it and finally, Tuesday would be my last one. I will be joining your vocabulary discussions the August 26 of August; I cannot start before this week, because I have already signed for these vocabulary discussions. Thanks again Julie to try accomodating my schedule! I am so interested to join your discussions.
Have a beautiful day! Johanne

hi …please I want learn swedish but I cant please help me … really I want in A to Z… please …

Hi Johanne - This is just a reminder that I have added a Saturday vocabulary discussion so you can continue to join us each week! “See” you then!

Hi Julie!
You’re so nice as always! Thanks a lot! I will be there of course! Johanne