JapaneseLingQ - Greetings and Goodbyes, あいさつ

what’s the meaning of koso?

I found the following translation on the Websaru http://www.websaru.info/.

kotira koso = it is I who should say so

“KOSO” is a function word.
In this context, “KOSO” emphasizes a noun “kotira” (literally means this one=I )

「hajime mashi te James san」 「kotira KOSO, anata ni oai dekite, konna ni ureshii koto wa arimasen」
= How do you do, Mr James? “Fine, thanks for asking. Nice to meet you.”

kotira KOSO, kyou wa ojikan wo saite kudasari, arigatou gozaimasu.
= I really appreciate your taking time to see me.

I am not a professional professor of Japanese, I am not sure that it is the best answer.
Please wait for tutors’ answers. Maybe they will help you.

Coloquei o texto com os kanjis.

「挨拶 」

お早う ございます

今日は 。今晩は 。お 休み なさい 。

左様なら 。

今日は 。私 は さおり と 言い ます 。貴方 は ?

私 は はるか です 。初め まして 。

初め まして 。どうぞ よろしく お願いします 。

こちら こそ 、どうぞ よろしく お願いします 。

It is not a mistake but we don’t write “左様なら” nowadays, but use Hiragana “さようなら”.