Japanese: Aozora texts for Kindle

I don’t know if this subject has already been treated on the forum, but just in case here is a simple way to import your Japanese classic literature on Kindle.

All you have to do is to install a bookmark from the following page : http://a2k.aill.org/

You can choose between small, medium and large characters.

Simply drag the link of your choice to your bookmarks toolbar, then go to Aozora and search for a book.

For example, ドグラ・マグラ → 図書カード:ドグラ・マグラ

Then, click on your bookmark (you don’t have to open the book). Kappa will be converted into a nice PDF file that fits perfectly into your Kindle.

After that, if you wish you can also find the mp3 files on the Internet (ドグラ・マグラ is free on iTunes) and save in on your Kindle, so you can listen while reading in the bus or in the train even if you don’t have your computer.

Wow, I didn’t know about this. Unfortunately I use the Kindle app on my iPad. I saw there was some app called iBunko which, I think, allowed you to read all the Aozora stuff, although I may be remembering that wrong.

@ Bortrun, I don’t have the iPad (not even the iPod, 涙), but I suppose that the PDF files created by this bookmark are also “easy to read” (きれいに表示される) on the iPad. I would be curious to know, if someone is willing to give it a try.

I’ll look into it.

Thank you Bortrun.

I don’t want to pollute the forum with too many new threads, so let me put one interesting Japanese link in this thread.

NHK News site is quite famous, but I think a lot of people have never heard of “NHK Eco Channel”. It is an excellent resource, with tons of videos, for those of you who live outside Japan and cannot watch TV.


(There’s also a sub-section dedicated to the nuclear energy crisis, here : http://www.nhk.or.jp/eco-channel/jp/energy/index.html )

That’s great. Maybe some of these links can be added to the Japanese resources section.

Another good one (and a very practical one) can be found at 映像料理辞典、みんなのきょうの料理。

The treasures for us (cooking or language learners) are under the tab 動画を見る( プロの料理家レシピ満載【みんなのきょうの料理】-人気料理家のおいしいレシピを簡単検索! ).

Bon appétit !