Italian conversation

I would like to find Italian friends or tutors in exchange for help in English or Russian.

Do you want speak (and/or write) in Italian or in English and in Russian? In any case I am available to exchange opinions. I also need help to improve my knoweledge so I hope we will help reciprocally…

I would like to to speak and write in Italian, English, and Russian. I am learning Italian and can help others with English or Russian. And what are you learning, English or Russian?

Dear Elena,
I afraid i can’t help you in either language. I am an English teacher and speak Kurdish and Arabic. If you are interested in any of them, you are welcome.
best regards

I’m diego and i’m Italian. I’d like to improve my english speaking with someone…if you have time please contact me.

Ciao Diego,

Anch’io, vorrei migliorare il mio italiano parlato… Non uso questo sito, sono su O scrivimi a to discuss English/Italian speaking practice.

Thank you for contacting me.



I have learned many languages. I can assure you that just speaking English will not improve your English very much. Please take the time to understand how LingQ works and you will improve much faster than by just speaking a few times a week. You can still speak with our members or with other native speakers on other language exchange sites, but make sure you put the effort into your language improvement using our system.

Language exchange sites exist all over the Web. What is unique to LingQ is our learning system. If you are using LiveMocha, why are you looking for language exchange partners here at LingQ? Surely there are enough of them at LiveMocha.

Well, I tried a couple of these language exchange sites, and I think they don’t work. I rarely could find a partner when I had the time, and ended up wasting hours just trying to find someone…Also, the times I could find one, it was not a good experience. Sometimes we didn’t know what to talk about, sometimes the partners are in too different levels, sometimes a person only speaks without being interested in listening to the other partner.
Even at LingQ I still have some difficulties about speaking events, but I think that it is very difficult to have a resonably useful speaking experience without a tutor…


I agree with you. We want to make the interaction between our learners and tutors a meaningful experience, and an essential part of their learning at LingQ. It all has to work together for maximum benefit.

I know we have high quality tutors. As your humble Portuguese student, can say that you are excellent and I look forward to our regular session. If it were not for you I would spend all my learning time on Russian. During our discussions, you keep the conversation going, whether one on one, or with other participants of different levels. You are interesting and entertaining, and you send an excellent conversation report after the discussion. My Russian tutor Tana is also excellent, and I know that our other tutors are also of a very high standard.

Yet learners who want to tutor in their native language, have the opportunity to do so. They can earn points in order to spend points. But they have to meet certain requirements. Familiarity with the LingQ system is a minimum. But you will be seeing more on this as we go forward. I hope you will always a little time for us at LingQ.

Thanks, Steve.
Anyway, it’s very easy to keep conversation going with you, since you like to speak a lot, even if the language is hard for you!
I’ve tried a number of different English tutors at LingQ, and I agree, they are very commited to their work, despite their different styles. Indeed, this variation in styles is also a good thing, because one has more chances to fit someone’s style.

Ciao! Mi chiamo Anderson Faccioli e abito in Brasile. Vorrei parlare in Italiano, lo imparo a due anni fa. Sono molto interesato anche in aiutare alle altri a imparare la lingua portuguesa. Parlo anche un po dell’ inglese.

gostaria de conversar com estudantes de italiano basico de proferencia, e Steve gostaria desculpa se é muita burrice minha mas se vc poder me ajudar a entender direitinho como estudar aqui, pois quero tirar maior proveito deste site e ajudar bastante com minha lingua nativa, desde já obrigado.

Ciao, sono Luisa e sono italiana. Sono disponibile, se avete domande e curiosità sulla mia lingua madre, sulla nostra cultura o se volete semplicemente fare due chiacchiere in Italiano. Ciao, Luisa

Olá a todos! adicionem meu skype para conversas em Português, Inglês e Italiano.

skype: raonifrancisco

email: raonifranciscosilva@

Hello everybody!!! add me and we can talk in portuguese, english or italian…
best regards

Olá, sou brasileira e gostaria de aprender o italiano.
Sou bem iniciante.
Se algum italiano quiser aprender o português, podemos fazer uma troca de conhecimento.
Ciao, e grazie.

Salve a tutti
sono ilenia,madrelingua italiana
parlo fluentemente inglese e un po di tedesco

Son disponibile per conversazioni in italiano ed in iglese
ma anche in italiano\tedesco,cosicchè possa anche io agevolare me stessa nella pratica della lingua tedesca.

Mi potete scrivere alla mia mail,qui su lingq e su skype: exteel81

grazie a tutti

Hallo everybody!
my name is Ilenia and i’m Italian mothelanguage
I speak english too
and a bit of german

So,the ones that would like to have a italian or english or even italian\german conversation
are more than welcome

You can write me by email,here on lingq and on skype exteel81

thanks to all

Vielen Danke


Caio! Mi chiamo Indre:) Sono lituana. Imparo l’Italiano un anno e mezzo.

Ciao a tutti, io sono Italiana e posso aiutare chi ha curiosità, domande o semplicemente vuole parlare un po’ di Italiano.
Sul mio profilo trovate gli orari in cui sono disponibile, oppure sentitevi liberi di contattarmi tramite mail o skype.
Troverete tutti i contatti entrando nel mio profilo…
Spero di avere numerosi amici che sono interessati alla mia lingua.

Se volete visitare il mio profilo, ho postato alcuni orari in cui sono disponibile ad aiutare gli studenti di italiano.
Buona Giornata a tutti.