Issues to delete the things import

I am quite disappointed with the platform. I’ve only been there for two days and I can see some problems. I was thinking of subscribing for a year but these errors are making me reconsider and look for other platforms.

The most worrying are the import failures, duplicated items and, above all, not being able to delete these imported files.

I need to delete my imported lessons in a simple way that works.

Can you help me?


@CLDavid Sorry for the inconvenience that occurred.
The functionality should work fine now. Please, post here if you are still facing any of the mentioned issues.

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Thanks but I still have problems.

Is true that the issues advertisement not appears but the items never disappears. They are still in mi queue. I need quit them to lifetime.

Also, why isn’t there an exclusive section with just the imported items? I think it would be interesting.

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I can see the mistake. To delete you need into the lesson in delete here. There is working.

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