Isnt there a tutorial on how to use this website?

Im trying to sample this site to see if its worth paying for. I have no idea what im doing and apparently i am told i now know 24 words but i know none. Very confused. if there is a tutorial link, please help me find it. Thx, Jen

lol oops I should have asked Is there a tutorial, not isnt there… very negative, I apologize!

also, i am told you set some sample courses for free, and as I am testing them out about half the words say “premium feature”. How am I to test this site out if it wont let you even test out one lesson? Am I doing this incorrectly? I have tried taking Spanish in a College course (Im from Canada, we dont learn Spanish like the US) but I didnt like how I was learning, so I would like to test out this site and I am willing to pay if I think it’s worth it but right now Im about to say forget it since Im not understanding how this site works. I dont have a lot of free time so wasting time trying to figure this out doesnt work for me. Any thoughts?

Have you clicked on the “tutorial” tab right above the lesson text?

The fact that you haven’t paid shouldn’t keep you from trying out the site. All of the basic, core features are free although the number of “lingqs” is limited to 100.

Google Translate is a premium feature, however should be able to click the “Search Dictionaries” button to add definitions to the blue words.

When you hover on a blue word you see previous hints that have been created by another user. Paying members see the integrated Google Translation as well. Integrated Google translation is a premium service because we pay Google to provide that service. You are free to click the Check Dictionary button to look up and create your hint from our many dictionary resources. The tutorial mode on the lesson page is a good idea. Also, check all the information on the Help page and information about how to get the most from our system. We can undoubtedly help you more than your college Spanish course if you follow the LingQ method.

Regarding your Known words, if you click the LingQ’d button it adds all remaining blue words to your Known Words total. If you don’t know blue words, you should choose or create a hint for them and save them for review before clicking the LingQ’d button. If you have accidentally pushed LingQ’d and still want to save or “LingQ” a word, you can just highlight the word and then hover on it once it turns blue again. Good luck!