Is There a Way We Can Eliminate These Ghosts? (Empty Courses)

I really don’t like when in the library there are courses that for some reason cannot be deleted.
There is only the icon, and those courses cannot be accessed in any way.
It is not a cache problem!
This is a repetitive problem!
It is not a software problem, not a device problem!
There is no workaround I can find to eliminate them.

I like to keep my library CLEAN!

Do you have any solution? Any suggestion?
Do you know why this happens?

2 examples below for the support team.


when you click on the three dots (next to the + button), does it give you the option to “Don’t Recommend”? I wonder if it hides it? Also, there is a “Report” option on all lessons from what I can see, maybe it is on a per-case basis where you need to report the videos?

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@andrewdaniele nope, everything I click give at the end “not found”. I tried to see if I could send a report, adding to continue studying, edit course, view course, like it…

They are ghosts!

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oh ok, yeah it sounds like this is something only LingQ will be able to fix, I’m guessing that there is a table for the lessons that are displayed on the front end (web page/mobile apps) which is associated to another table that has the actual data of each lesson, and in that second table the records are missing/deleted, so when you first see the lessons it shows up because of the first table, and when you click on it, it gives you the error because it then tries to find the full info of the lesson in the other table that doesn’t exist.

All this is speculation though, I don’t work for LingQ lol.

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Probably something like this.
Weirdly enough, if I see the same course on the web app, everything is at “0” like in the first screenshot.
If I open the same course on the iPhone app, there are still blue and yellow words displayed, even if there is no course and no lessons inside it.

All lessons have been deleted!


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Try clicking on the + sign to add the phantom course to your continue studying shelf. Then, remove it from continue studying and it should be gone.

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@SeoulMate nope, because unfortunately this is not a course in the library that you can add to continue studying and remove. It is a course that doesn’t exist anymore, but leave the icon ghosts behind.

If I click on (+), it just gives a message “not found”.

Screenshot 2023-12-16 at 17.14.33

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I asked our developers to remove those courses, figure out why you still seeing them on your end if they aren’t in our system. It will be taken care of and solved. Sorry about that.


@zoran it seems everything I delete now create a new ghost.
This is a lesson in the middle of the course that I have just deleted and redone, and it created another ghost. The link is below (please, don’t delete the entire course on this one). Thanks

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I just joined LingQ and have the same - it’s super annoying


@zoran ghosts keep increasing in anything I delete, regardless of the language I study, and regardless if it is a course or a lesson within a course. And regardless if I delete on the web app or on iOS.
I suppose something happened somewhere that brought back this nightmare.

I won’t delete anything anymore until you tell me that you fix it. Or I will create other ghosts.

Below other new ghosts.

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I have the same problem with this course:
Login - LingQ.
The date of its creation dates back to more than 1 year but it is still in my account.


I’ll do my best to speed things up and have this fixed asap.


I’m getting entire shelves that don’t show up, though most are fine (from courses previously shared with me and now no longer shared with me I suspect in 2/3 cases, not sure why News Feed is doing that too though). It is annoying because it takes up a decent chunk of my library as just dead space. Maybe there is a way to remove them and I just can’t spot it, not sure.

In general my biggest gripe with LingQ is the lack of customization on the library page (although I absolutely love it 99% of the time). I’d prefer a Library page that I can customize with my own content, courses etc with maybe a section for ‘completed courses/lessons’, and then separately have an explore page where I can add content to my library from the community. New accounts could have the basic courses automatically added to their Library and that would make it clear for them where to start. Just my 2 cents with the way my workflow goes at least.


This is the reason why I don’t use the News Feed. Unfortunately, each News Feed article creates a new course, instead of adding the lesson to the default course we already have (in the same way we import external lessons). Which means that when I delete that course it could potentially create a ghost, like in your screenshot.

To avoid this I don’t use the News Feed anymore, which I would definitely enjoy using. But I also want to have the library clean. At the moment, I can’t have both!

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@zoran This course is still there, any idea how to eliminate it? Thanks.

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This is still not fixed at all. Can you look into this again?