Is it possible to use the site via browser on the Android tablet?

I use chrome on my tablet to read lessons but unfortunately the sound is missing. I can’t play neither lesson nor lingq sounds. Could you please help me to resolve this issue?

Sorry to hear you’re having trouble with this! Would you send us a link to one of the lessons you are trying to study?

I have checked the problem again and now I can play the sound of lessons. But the problem with the lingq sounds still remain. I can’t play the sounds of lingqs in any lessons or my vocabulary.
For example Login - LingQ
I use Android version 4.1.1 with Chrome browser

Thanks! Would you check to see if you have Google Text-to-Speech downloaded on your tablet? You can download it here:

I wonder if this might help solve the issue. If not let us know!

Thank you Alex, you are right.
I had not Google Text-to-Speech engine installed on my tablet. The point is that I have cleared and installed my Android OS from scratch recently. And I am novice at tablet usage.
I have installed Google Text-to-Speech engine but I still can not be able to play the sounds of lingq. I understand that it looks like the problem exist with my device only. Maybe I missed to make some settings or I should do something else to set my tablet in correct way to play the text.
I appreciate any of your help to make me succeed with playing the sound of text.
Thanks in advance.

Hmm, I’m actually not quite sure then what would be causing this. I tried this on a Nexus 4 and both the lesson audio and the text-to-speech in the app seem to be working properly. If you download and install the LingQ app, can you see if it’s working properly there?

I have installed Lingq app and now the sounds work fine with both lesson’s audio and lingq’s sounds. When I had started the app the first time I was prompted with a choice of text to speech engine. I have selected Google-text … and sounds work find.
The problem with Chrome browser still exists but I think it does not relate to your site. For example I tried to play the sounds on site and failed with this too.
So I am going to try of using the Lingq app to play the Lingq sounds. Thank you for your efforts to resolve my tablet issues. As for browser issue let put it aside. It is not so critical to spend your time for this.
Thanks again

OK, thank you for the additional information here! It’s good to hear the app is working properly. It sounds like the other issue might be an issue with Chrome, as you note that the same issue is reproducible on another website as well. Hopefully this issue gets resolved soon :slight_smile: