Is it possible to help editing transcriptions?

Hi. Here’s my concern for the staff. Often when I’m reading/listening there are a lot of phrases/words that just don’t match. Sometimes several sentences don’t even appear in the transcription. Because of that and in order to try to improve even more this wonderful site I was wondering if it’s possible to help adding or modifying paragraphs in the transcriptions. Maybe to send a word document or so to the staff and then they can check it and just copy and paste on the transcription. I could help with english and spanish transcriptions if needed. Hope this can be of any help and thank you in advance.

They actually made it so that (paying) members can edit any lesson even if it’s not theirs. You just click Edit like it was one of your own imports.

Thank you very much for the info. It’s a shame that is only intended for premium members. I was trying to help the community with better transcriptions for everyone because when you’re familiar with the language it’s not a big deal to follow the reading even when it’s different than the audio, but it’s not the case for people from Asia for example. Anyway, thank you so much!

I think the concern is that non-paying members would be more likely to vandalize lessons. But you could probably find paying members who would be happy to apply your edits for you…

That’s true. I’m gonna follow your advice. Also I’ve just sent an email for the lingq support team. Thanks again for your kind advice and time. Best regards!