Is it possible to convert points to money?

Hello. So, there are 3 ways to earn points, innit? Receive a monthly points allowance as a Premium Plus Member. Earn points by sharing lessons with other members or by referring friends to LingQ. Can you tell more about the first two, please?
And where are my coins? I’d like to repair my streak, if I understood you right.

@Fashionate You can see your total coins count on the Statistics page.

That’s correct. With Premium Plus plan you automatically get 3000 points per month, which you can use for tutoring activities (conversations and writing corrections).
You can also earn coins by referring friends to LingQ. You will get 20% of each payment your referrals make.

Can you turn me Premium ?


Thanks a lot, Zoran for giving us the information. I want to know whether it is possible to convert points to money because. I don’t know how to thank you, because when I found this post, and I found my answer I feel very great.

thank you!

Now we only need a way to convert COINS to money.
I think it could boost our progress tremendously.

I have been a premium member for almost a year and am just now discovering the idea of points. You say here that you get points every month for being a premium member, but I have 0 points and should have a lot if I’ve been a member for almost a year now. Do I need to reach out to support?

@heidicowan He is talking about Premium PLUS plans. See screenshot below.

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OK, that makes a lot more sense. Thank you so much for clarifying that for me!