Is dictionary lookup possible with free membership?

I have a free membership and I can’t look up anything in a dictionary. All I get when I click on a word is a warning that my LingQs limit is exceeded. I did create 20 LingQs and I don’t want to create any more but it would be nice to be able to still look up words in a dictionary. Deleting those 20 LingQs didn’t solve the problem.
I guess this might be a feature rather than a bug, but I thought I could ask just in case. Is there something I can do so I can look up words in a dictionary other than upgrading to paid subscription?

Free members can use dictionaries, but once when you reach your LingQs limit, you will be asked to upgrade every time when you click on a blue word.
You can upgrade your account or invite friends to join LingQ to get more Free LingQs.

Thanks for the answer. So if I understood well I can use a dictionary but only as long as I have some unused LingQs?

Yes, that’s right.