iOS bugs. Word frequncy, lesson stats, jumping to next unknown

I have found some issues, comparing to Android, that dont work in ios

  1. Word frequency, android vs IOS. In iOS there is nothing

  2. Lesson statistics after finishing
    As you see, iOS doesnt show you coins and words, that you have added in the same lesson. Android vs iOS
  3. other bug, that is still not fixed in iOS, that when you mark blue word straigh to known or to busket, it jumps by itself to the next blue word on the page. Very annoying
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Are you talking about using Lingq in Safari or in the iOS app?

@vernmartin I am talking about IOS app

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What version of the iOS app and OS are you running?

@vernmartin I have updated it today
And iPadOS 17.2

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So what version of the app are you seeing when you are in the app?

@vernmartin i see LingQ v5.5.4 (0)

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Has anyone seen my feedback? Developers?

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We will investigate the issues you mentioned. Thanks.


Is there any progress? Problem 1 and 3 still exist. And I am pretty sure that problem 2 as well

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I’ll check with our team what is the status here.

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Another bug is with dividing audio. Whisper AI always rounds timestamps to seconds, which often leads to „cutting“ end of the phrase, so that it goes to the next sentence

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Is there any progress? Or only my LingQ jumps to the next word when deleting or moving word to Known?
And it would be really great to see coins. which represent word frequency as in Android and Web version

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Is there any updates?

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Not yet, sorry. I asked our team what is the status here.

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Hello! Is there any movements?

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No updates yet. I’ll post here as soon as I have new information.

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