iOS app crashing today

In the last couple of hours, the app has suddenly started crashing for me every time I open it. Anyone else having this problem?

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Yep, same here. Iā€™m on an iPhone 6s Plus with latest ios. Working OK on my old iPad though.

Sorry about that guys! We were able to reproduce the issue on our end and we are working to get it fixed asap. Thanks for your patience!

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The issue should be fixed now. Thanks again for your patience!

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Thanks, it seems fine now.

Yes, is that. On iPad and iPhone the app continues crashing =(

I am sorry to hear that @Inausan
What exactly you do in the app before it crash? Are you doing anything specific?

hi @zoran. Now fixed in the two platforms. Thank you for you answer.

Today I have updated my iPhone 7 to iOS 11.3 now the LingQ app is constantly crashing on the startup. Any solution?

Update: I uninstall and reinstalled the app and it has been running just fine again. Thanks for the solution Zoran :slight_smile:

Bikas Gaur

Hi bikasgaur,
Can you please try to reinstall the app and check if that will help? Thanks!