Indicate your favourites blogs in english

I’ve already created a thread about podcasts. I was wondering if you guys could help me with blogs too. I’m looking for something interesting to read.
I’m currently following a blog Steve has recommended in one of his podcasts. the Blog’s name is Pick the brain (
It is a very good self improvement blog indeed…

So,again, What are you favorites blogs in english?

Can you please indicate what type of blogs you would like to read? I have a list of ‘improve yourself’ type of blogs, such as Pick the Brain, but also blogs about academic life (mostly by female academics), random people that write nice pieces about their lives, environmental blogs, blogs about writing, you name it…

Well “i”, I mostly interested in reading something not too dense. I think self improvement blogs are fine. Personal blogs are fine, too , as long as the person who writes it is funny and intelligent.
So if you suggest anything along these lines I would be glad.

Thank you.

OK, so here are some of my favourite blogs:

Does this mean I’m a grown up? -
Not many new posts - but the archive should be a great read , funny outlook on life.

Trevor Romain’s blog -
Trevor is a great artist and he works a lot with kids that have cancer and has a really uplifting and realistic way of hanging out with them. He also writes about his years growing up in Africa.

Zen Habist -
Great insightful posts about how to simplify your life. There are also some podcasts by the author in the last couple of months.

And my latest favourite:
The Fluent Self - The Fluent Self | The art and science of very interior design
This is for quite advanced learners of English, I think: the author uses many metaphores and she makes up words (based on existing verbs, adjectives and nouns).

Thank you i. I’ll start to read it. I’ll tell how it goes.

If you’re interested in technology and the Internet culture:
This isn’t really a blog, but it’s updated on a regular basis. The author, Paul Graham, is a programmer and a venture capitalist. His articles talk about anything from starting your own hi-tech company to life in general.
Howard Rheingold writes a lot about the Internet culture and its future. His writing may be difficult, but he also introduces other interesting blogs on this site.