Incorrect stress in Spanish dictionary audio

The AI audio for Spanish tends to pronounce words with incorrect syllable stress. For instance, it would make “maraña” sound like “máraña”. The AI butchers almost one third of the words this way, it’s a pretty serious problem.

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There was a bug at one point where the AI would be in English on first iteration, but after that it would go back correctly to Spanish. Maybe is that it? Or does it still do that, even if you back out and go back into the lesson, or go to another lesson?

I’m afraid the problem persists after reloading the app. For context, I’m talking about LingQ flashcards (the diction that plays automatically each time a flashcard is rolled), not in lessons.

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Thanks, we will look into this.

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Hi @Testificate
You can choose the voice you like best in Reader Settings → Voice