Importing posts from a forum

I wonder whether it is okay/possible to import members’ postings for private study? There are so many interesting Russian contributions which I’d like to look at in more detail.

You can import anything you want for your own use, but you need permission to share it.

You might even find, if you ask the author nicely, that they will record you an mp3 and put it in the library for general use. After all, if you find something useful, there are bound to be at least 10 other learners who will find them useful too.

Sanne, are you speaking from members posting here in LingQ?
Equal, for your own using you can import all what you want to have and from where you can find it.

I often have to import entire threads in Russian and work through them before I’m confident enough to contribute a posting.

Thank you everyone. I’ve just imported my first Russian posting from here. With a bit of luck, my curiosity about it will motivate me to create and learn LingQs!

Not to mention members’ blog postings. You realise that if you add someone as a friend you see their latest blog post on your community page. If it looks interesting you can import it and study it.

Man (Frau) lernt nie aus! Vielen Dank für all die Tips.

exactly that is was the forum here makes so helpful.
Not each person can know all but by asking we can learn :slight_smile: