Importing lessons into course problem

So here is a problem that I noticed a while ago, but never got round to reporting. This is not an issue related to the update of the website, but an issue that existed previously. When I am importing books, I have to make each lesson separately. This starts with me opening a blank ‘Import Lesson’ page and create the course using the ‘Create New Course’ option in the ‘Course:’ dropdown menu. It is very useful when I am importing the lessons that I can see the list of lessons in the box on the right of the screen. However, when I click ‘[Add New Lesson]’ to import a new lesson within the same course, this list of lessons within the course disappears and is blank until I have clicked ‘Save’ for the new lesson. This is a problem because I like to number the lessons and often forget how many I have already imported.

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@ColinJohnstone - Thanks, we’re looking at making some updates to the Import Lesson page and will keep this in mind.