Importing images

When importing a lesson, we are asked to import an image. We are asked this for every lesson of a course. Is there a way to do this once for all the lessons that we wil import for this course?

You can share the lessons directly from the “Edit Course” page, even if they are without image (audio is still required). Just upload the course image, change the status of lessons to “Share” select a level and click on the “Change in All” button. That will share the lessons and make the course image as default image for them.

I remember 2 times when an image of the course was used as a default image for new lessons. Than there were 2 times when we had to add images for every new lesson :slight_smile:

+zoran, that’s strange. I routinely upload the image at the “edit course” page and it works nicely

That is interesting, Ftornay, thank you! But the “edit course” button is not easy to be found, and up to now I see no result after importing an image by means of this button. No result in terms of finding the image there when I import a new lesson in the course.

I’m not sure if I’m understanding correctly what you intend to do.
From the “lessons” page I click on the name of the course. A list of the lessons show up in the “lessons feed” area, preceded by an entry with the name of the course, a summary and, right below, the “edit course” button. It takes you to a form that includes the possiblity of uploading an image for the whole course. After you upload it, all lessons in the course (both those already imported and the future ones) will display that image.
Is that what you want?

Yes, that is what I want and what I tried to do. But I did not have the expected result. I expect that after having imported an image in the way you describe, when I want to import a new lesson (import lesson button on the lesson page) I see the image chosen for the course. But I see an empty box and I am invited to import an image. Also when I have selected the course in which the new lesson will find its place. But perhaps I should leave the empty box empty and the image will appear after I have saved the new lesson? I will see when I import a new lesson. By the way, “course” and “lesson” stand for “book” and “chapter”. Reading books on Lingq is an important part of my learning process.

@ben @ftornay That’s correct, you can still share the lessons directly from the “Edit Course” page, even if they are without image (audio is still required). I was speaking about the Edit Lesson page in my previous response (I will edit it now to avoid confusion for future readers), but to share several lessons from the “Edit Course” page, make sure that all lessons do have audio uploaded, and after that just upload Course image, change the status of lessons to “Share” select a level and click on the “Change in All” button. That will share the lessons and make the course image as default image for all shared lessons.

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Yes, just leave the box empty. The image will default to the one specified in the course if you don’t import one for the lesson

It’s also a big part of my own strategy. Only I stopped importing books chapter by chapter a while ago. Now I copy-paste the whole book into Lingq and let the system chop it up into 2000-word chunks.
I then proceed to the “edit course” page to upload an image

Well, that seems a time-sparing strategy, Ftornay! I will try that. Thanks for the idea.

Stupid question – after uploading the image are you going to the bottom of the page and clicking the Save button? I missed that step a time or two.

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Up to now, I have not missed that button. But it could happen!