Importing from Youtube not working

Have tried numerous videos but the importer is stuck on the buffer circle. I am currently using Brave as the web browser. Any ideas of what’s going on?

Edit: has been resolved see comments below

If you figure out how to import from Brave, please let me know. Pretty much the only reason why I still grin and bear chrome/google is because I can’t get it to do this. Would love to be forever rid of google.

Which extension are you using on Brave browser? I am not really familiar with that browser at all.

The extension is the regular LingQ importer. I have solved the issue. thanks

Ok so this is what worked for me;

  1. Click on extensions.
    2.Click on the “manage extensions” next to the LingQ importer extension
    3.Under “Permissions” make sure the “Site access” has access to Youtube and LingQ

I also selected “Allow access to file URL’s”

Hope this works.