Have been trying to uplod audio from a podcast i ripped from youtube. Filesize is ~44mb. Always shows in pending but eventually says it was unable to upload.
In the past there has been issues with uploading audio if the bitrate was off. Can you try to convert it with a programm like vlc (just export it as mp3 again using the default settings)? If it is really the bitrate, this should solve the issue.
Thanks for the quick reply! I tried converting with vlc using the default settings (128), and at 64 both to no avail unfortunately
Can you try reconverting the file again using this online tool:
and then try to upload it to LingQ again?
Thanks for the suggestion, just tried that site with 128 and 64 bit and still getting the same unable to upload error
Then it is probably a transcription issue. You could try to use an external tool or a website to create the transcript and create the lesson using that.
That sounds like some sort of issue with that specific file, since we haven’t received any other complain. You can send the file to support@lingq.com and we can investigate and confirm.
I was having the same problem. I was using the m4a files downloaded directly from YouTube with yt-dlp. My solution was to convert those files to mp3 format.
I am also having trouble importing audio clips. I created 10 different audio clips from the same source, in the same manner. I intended to import 1 or 2 a day as I went through them. The first 4 imported no problem. Starting day before yesterday, I have been unable to import any of the remaining 6 audio clips. There is no formatting difference between the earlier files that were imported and the ones that won’t now import. Something changed.
@somethinglemon88a We’ll check that, thanks.