Imported transcript in Arabic, not Russian

I am studying Russian. I recently imported 2 videos from YouTube (I have imported numerous videos in the past) but the transcripts appeared in Arabic. I am using the Android app and Google Chrome. I noticed an iPhone/Safari user had a similar problem which was fixed - could you fix this issue with Android/Chrome please.

The videos are:

  1. Russian with Max: How to Act in Russia - 5 Essential Etiquette Tips!

  2. In Russian from afar: My trip to Instanbul

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The videos aren’t beeing transcribed, they have subtitles, one of which is Arabic, the first one in the list. Could it be that you either did not select or misselect the subtitle? Try setting the subtitles to Russian and import afterwards and see if that works. (Just an assumption, though, as I never ran into that very issue)

I reported the same bug. Obsttorte is correct, though setting the correct subtitles does not help. I believe LingQ developers did not realise that subtitles can be in several languages, and they simply select the first set. Either that or a bug crept in to code that used to work. It’s common for existing functionality to suddenly break.

See here:

We are familiar with the issue and we will push a fix soon.

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Thanks for your reply, Zoran. Will there be a universal fix for this problem, and will I be notified personally when the fix has been pushed, or will there be a universal notification? Will the video transcriptions I reported simply appear in Russian instead of Arabic or will I need to delete those videos? I am hesitant to upload any other videos until I know the answers to these questions.


@lynstevo We already pushed a fix for the issue for iOS app and Safari extension. Our Android developers are working on this too now and we will push a fix for the Android app soon. The fix will of course deal with the problem for all language combinations. I’ll post here as soon as we push the fix.


Thanks for the reply Zoran .