Import no longer supported under iOS

I’ve just seen this thread:

You might wish to add a lonk to it in the countless I can’t import threads so that everyone sees it.

At the moment I feel angry. This highlights the shoddy nature of the LingQ software. This morning I repeatedly tried to import from YouTube. You decided to not support that feature, and yet the user thinks it still exists because the interface is still present. There will be some users who carry on for days if not weeks trying to import, unaware that you don’t support that feature.

You inform us that from now on we cannot import directly from YouTube, instead we have to download a YouTube video. Unless I am mistaken, it is impossible to do this under iOS. Yes I might be able to go to my PC, and download files using a Windows application, but that is extremely tedious and inconvenient. In short, you no longer provide under iOS the only reason I use LingQ.

You recently advertised two posts for marketing staff. In my opinion you would be better off hiring two more engineers who can work on the countless bugs in LingQ which have been present for at least six months, and probably much longer.


Bit confused by this. Have I misuderstood this or are you saying it’s no longer possible to download from Youtube? It’s just that I just downloaded a Youtube video on my Apple laptop using the Chrome extension. I have MacOS Sonoma 14.6.1
It imported OK along with Romanian subtitles.

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They don’t support the LingQ export feature from YouTube directly.

Which Chrome extension?

There are extensions for Google Chrome and Safari. Once added they become an icon on the bar and you just click on them and download Youtube videos. They have to have subtitles. If they don’t you just get a message saying it can’t find subtitles. Chrome is easier to use than Safari.
Here’s a link.

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@LeifGoodwin We do still support importing from YT, the only change that was made is that we no longer support importing videos without the subtitles via Whisper since it is no longer possible to keep this feature available. Even for videos without captions, there is a workaround to import that with a couple of clicks, as explained in that thread you are referring to.

The decision to no longer support Whisper importing (no captions videos) was made yesterday so we haven’t kept anything as secret.

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Except that doesn’t work under iOS, so no there is no couple of clicks solution. I would need to boot up a Windows PC at home, and do the couple of clicks. That’s not really worth bothering with, other iOS users may disagree.

It might be possible to run a Python script under iOS to download a video, I am not a Python programmer, so I’ll have to look into this.

No but the person who posted the announcement didn’t mention it in the numerous import problem threads, and I think many missed it.

I believe that just uses the same underlying architecture as the YouTube app sharing.