I'm stuffed

  1. I’m stuffed. (is equal to “I’m full” right?)
  2. I’m stuffed up.
    Are the two sentences the same?
    Thank you!

They’re not the same.
1 correct in your interpretation
2. I’m stuffed up (personally I wouldn’t use the phrase a lot but if I did it might use it in reference to a cold maybe as in ‘my nose is stuffed up, I’m stuffed up’

You could also say I’m full up = I’m stuffed

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As with all words, it always depends on the context. In British (maybe also American?) colloquial English “I’m stuffed” can also mean “I’m screwed” (or f***ed" or "bggered") in the sense of being in a bad or seriously disadvantageous position.

Thus: “We’re stuffed!” = “we’re in a really bad situation”.

But, yeah, it can also mean “full” as in “had enough to eat”

“Stuffed up” could mean “have nasal congestion” (as chonelli said) or in another context it might possibly mean something else.


I agree with the other interpretations. To ‘stuff up’ can also be a phrasal verb to mean that you messed something up or did something wrongly. It’s a less vulgar (though not exactly polite) way of saying you ‘f*&^%$ up’. Example: “I tried to install a new program on my computer but I stuffed it up and now nothing is working.”

‘Stuff up’ isn’t vulgar, in the slightest. Perfectly normal - you hear university lecturers, call centre operatives, people on TV and people in the street use it in equal measure.

It’s the sort of thing you would say when meeting your girlfriends parents for the first time instead of using ‘to fuck up’.

Yes, now that I think about it, it’s probably a kind of euphemism for “I’m//you’re/we’re/they’re f***ed!”

It is definitely more mild - you could say “we’re stuffed” in a situation where “we’re f***ed” would raise eyebrows.

(BTW In my opinion “we’re screwed” is kind of in between - it isn’t entirely mild, but it doesn’t have the same hammer-force of the f-word :-P)

Regarding #1, “I’m stuffed” is a strong way of saying you’re full. In my dialect, you might often say it in response to “Would you like some more food?” I would respond, “No thanks, I’m stuffed.”

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^^^ Correct. Except as you say, the British examples you use are just that and not American.

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Now that an American is going to marry into the Royal family, maybe it behoves all US citizens to start speaking the Queen’s English? :smiley:

Maybe I didn’t express myself well but I wasn’t trying to say that it was vulgar.

Is that common to say “my stomach is stuffed”?

I will revise my comment: “the British examples you use are just that and not American–YET.”

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No, not correct at all. In the context of eating too much, you would only ever say “I’m stuffed” or maybe even “I feel stuffed.” For example when the waiter at a restaurant comes over to say “Would you like dessert?” …“No, thank you. I’m stuffed (from the entree).”

If one is “stuffed up,” the speaker is talking about there nose or head or sinuses being stuffed up. in other words, they are sick, have allegeries, etc.

If a British person says it, it’s meant as described above.

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nor the pictorial elegance of “Up the creek without a paddle!”