I'm back! Hello, everyone

Hello everyone!

I’m not sure if anyone remembers me from so long ago, but I’m very glad to be back at LingQ.

When I left 18 months ago I was planning my wedding, and so many things have happened since then (the wedding, changing jobs, moving into our first house, etc) that it’s been very difficult to keep up with my language studies.

I’m happy to say that things have now settled down, and I’m looking forward to continuing my studies in French and Latin, and to begin tutoring in English again. I hope to speak with many of you soon. :slight_smile:

All the best,

Welcome back, its great to hear from you again and congratulations on your marriage and all the good things that are happening to you.

Welcome back!

Welcome back, Charlotte. I remember that we had a very nice conversation long time ago. It sounds great what has happened to you in between. After the summer holidays I’ll look out for the conversation times that you offer.

Good luck with your language learning studies.