iLingQ Feb 1, 2012 update

Thanks for the update. Seems to work when online. Off-line, however, NO words are yellow even on lessons previously opened after the update.

Seems like it fixed the HTML coding that was showing up. Good job. =) Works perfect now.

I look forward to future updates/ features.

OK I reinstalled the app. Still will not show yellow words offline. ipod is 3g os is 4.2.1

You’re right. Yellow words don’t appear in offline mode. We’ll look into it!

The Android app doesn’t display any words in yellow… online or offline.

I guess that solves the problem of some words not appearing in yellow on the app : p

Still no love here. Any update?

Those changes are done and in the pipeline. As soon as they are approved by the iTunes store they will be available.

Thanks :slight_smile: