iLingQ app update

That was fast! The new version is now up in the App Store. The lesson list should load properly now. Sorry again for the inconvenience.

By the way, in this update you should notice the new iPad layout to take advantage of all the screen resolution, improved font size on the lesson page and flashcards and finally the edit screen for LingQs from the flash card has been updated.

I can’t seem to download audio for lessons that were not downloaded before. Is anyone else having the same problem?

Actually, I can’t even download audio for ANY of my previous lessons (on my iPhone). In addition, the app still crashes upon opening on the iPad as well.

@jaimek - Yes, sorry the audio doesn’t seem to be downloading. Again, it was working during testing but something has happened once it is uploaded to the app store. We will try and fix this as soon as we can. Sorry about that! In the meantime, you can download the audio from the site and listen through the regular iTunes app.

I just tried out the app on the iPad and it looks great. Thanks for the improvements. I have used the old version of the app on the iPad mini a lot for reading preLingQed book chapters, but, as we all know, it scaled up to the iPad pretty terribly. Now it scales up well. I can’t wait to get back into reading on the iPad.

I have a couple of suggestions for possible longer term improvements. When we tap on a LingQ, obviously the little box appears giving the hint and the phrase associated with the LingQ. I do not like the fact that the phrase dominates this box. I never read the phrase. This is a problem because often the hint, which I do read every time, is too small to fit into the box. I would suggest removing the phrase and just displaying the hint. What do other people think?

Now that the app fits well into the iPad screen, I suspect myself, and a lot of other users, will be using it for reading large texts more often. It would be great to be able to get rid of the blue bars at the top and bottom and have some sort of dedicated reading mode where only the text is on the screen. I suggest something like the Kindle app on the iPad where you open a text to read and there are bars on the top and bottom, then when you tap the screen, they go away, and when you tap the screen again, they come back. I don’t know how challenging this is technically to do.

[One of those random double posts.]

Hi, is there any reason why the text has gone from regular spacing to what looks like triple-spacing? Normal spacing seems to be restored if large text is turned off (iPhone) but then the text is very small indeed.

My spacing is fine. On large text and on the iphone. ???

When I downloaded the latest (corrected) app the text (which is set to large) appears with very wide line spacing.

The update has fixed it on my end, thanks!

The new version 2.5.1 does not load any audio. Only the text, but no audio. My MP3 cache is empty 0/100 MB.

We have pushed a new version with a fix for the audio issue. Hopefully, it will be reviewed as quickly as yesterday’s version. As soon as it has been approved by iTunes, it will be available for updating. Sorry about this!

@ColinJohnstone - Good suggestion about the reading interface. We will see what can be done here. The hint issue is a tricky one but we will see what can be done here. Unfortunately, different users have different wants regarding what to show and what not to show.

I think I have found another bug. The Google TTS does not seem to work when reading a text. It works only when using the flashcards. This issue is on both my iPhone and iPad.

Regarding the hint issue, I have one possible way to improve this. On the older app, the main problem, in my opinion, when blowing it up to fit on the iPad screen was the size of the hint box. It was stupidly big and took up half the screen. This was obviously necessary on the little iPhone screen, but looked absurd on the iPad. Now it is a nice size for the iPad screen and if anything, a little small (though I like the size). I think it would be possible to lengthen the hint box a bit to make more space for the longer hints. The really long hints would still not fit well, but it would help with the medium length hints. For example, at the moment, the relatively small hint ‘interference, meddling, intervention’ gets cut off, and all I can see before scrolling down is ‘interference, meddling,’ plus the tops of some of the letters in ‘intervention’. A slight change in the length of the hint box would solve this.

I have one more suggestion for a future improvement. When I read on the app, it is usually book chapters which I LingQ on the desktop first. One problem that I have is keeping track of my lessons. I usually put them all in one course and name each chapter by its number. On the website, these lessons are identified in a very useful way, by having the name of the course (which I set to the name of the book), and then the name of the lesson after it, with a comma to separate them. Therefore, I might import a course called ‘Dickens Book’, and a chapter called ‘5’, and the website will identify it as ‘Dickens Book, 5’, which is great. On the other hand, the app will just identify it as ‘5’ without the title of the course. Maybe changing the app such that identifies lessons in the same way as the website would be useful.

@ColinJohnstone - Thanks for letting us know! We will also add those other suggestions to our wishlist.

Ok great. I think I am done with the suggestions. I could go on for several more pages, but I will hold myself back.

@mark - Now, with the iLingQ 2.5.1, on my iPhone 4S, the “English Lessons” are loading, but I can’t play the audio. The button is disabled for all lessons.

@BrunoCunha and others - The app was just updated on iTunes so you can now download the latest version 2.5.2 which should resolve all of the bugs reported here.

So I have been doing some good reading on the new app tonight on my iPad and it is great. Much better than the old one blown up to badly fit the large iPad screen. Thanks for the update.

@mark - Thank you! Now the iLingQ 2.5.2 is working great!