If you wanted to waste or donate your points at LingQ,

If you wanted to waste or donate your points at LingQ, you should choose a tutor or corrector who writes in the following way:

  1. “U” instead of “You”
  2. “i” instead of “I”
  3. “its” instead of “it’s”
  1. the person who enjoys posting errata on the forums,
  2. the person who never posts errata,

Hi Yutaka,
Although I share many of your misgivings, a phrase written by Steve on his blog sums up the situation for me. He said:
“Only the good tutors will be able to keep their learners.”, and in that phrase I think he has pretty much hit the nail on the head. Of course there will be counter arguments to this, but it is difficult to deny the truth in what Steve wrote in my opinion.

PS And just to clarify, what did you mean by your 5th point “the person who never posts errata”? I’m just curious…


I just wrote what I had noticed in order to practice writing in English.

Hi Yutaka, I like your list!

" the person who enjoys posting errata on the forums"
As some of you know, the fourth point is the one that applies to me.

I put the following message on my profile page. Don’t you think it is a good idea?

To the Members Who Are New to LingQ:
I would like to recommend my favorite tutors to the new members at LingQ. They are good tutors who have the talent to teach.
. . .

In my fourth post of this thread "forth’ should read “fourth.”

You must really enjoy the word “errata” to keep using it so frequently, I having had to google it to learn it’s meaning.