Hello LingQ community, i’ve been toying with this idea on how to make the output experience more interactive. I noticed when using LingQ on my computer that after putting a sentence together, you then mimic that sentence back to the computer for completion. I think this is really neat however what if there could be a more immersive experience for us language learners. Just like talking to a human in natural time, except it is AI that is giving us that immersive experience, and in this experience the AI would use the pass LingQs we have implemented into our profile for a spontaneous verbal/text conversation between the user and AI. Almost like let’s say Chat GBT except its sole purpose is for language learning for LingQ users. I feel this would benefit not only our output. I also think it could be beneficial for those who struggle formulating sentences. What are y’all’s thoughts on this idea?
Someone brought up a very similar idea here 2 or 3 months ago. At the time the LingQ members replying to that post pointed out that there are already websites/apps that have been working on this specific concept for years, and a couple of them are getting pretty good.
They aren’t cheap, but I already plan on subscribing to one in a few months, after the annual subscription that I have to another language learning website expires. I’m currently subscribed to four, and I don’t want to make it five. I wouldn’t be able to make use of them all frequently enough.
In that other discussion thread people were saying that the LingQ devs should focus their efforts on continuing to improve the features that they are already offering here – many of which are somewhat buggy at times, rather than distracting themselves with a new and expensive experimental undertaking that would also inevitably be buggy.
Maybe someone else here will provide different feedback this time.
Some people here are already doing something similar on their own with voice chat bots on ChatGPT, but the websites/apps I mentioned are doing some very interesting things right now with lots of helpful features.