I would like to study Bulgarian at LingQ

I would like to study Bulgarian at LingQ

Just give us a couple of months and that should then be possible.

It would be great to have a possibility to study Bulgarian. Not much materials to start with in the Net, but here, at LingQ you have Bulgarian natives. Is anybody else interested?

I am also interested in studying Bulgarian, but I have never seen any active Bulgarian member from there, except myself when I lived there last autumn. Let’s hope there will be more Bulgarian members soon.

We have a secret Bulgarian at LingQ. I am not giving clues.

Plenty of people would like to study plenty of languages on lingq…

I don’t know about Bulgarians, but I guess you could say that guys from Las Vegas are VULGARIANS, hehe :slight_smile:

Sure I’d check out Bulgarian, but Polish would be a bigger priority for me.

I do wonder what this new project of user created beta languages will bring us. Of course the prospect of potentially being able to learn any language, providing some user has uploaded material for it, via Lingq sounds awesome!

However, my experience with learning Swedish at Lingq is that there is a very limited amount of material available for beginners.

As I understand it, these beta languages would be completely user supported without official Lingq support, so that means no Who is She or Eating Out series unless a random user creates them.

I fear quite a few languages will be severely lacking in material, but it’s still a great idea and it’s up to the users to make it work.

I for one wouldn’t mind uploading some materials in Dutch to help people out.

I think there is quite a bit of Dutch and Czech ready to go. We will have to see. Could be interesting.

Just for my interest, for the next wave of languages at LingQ have native speakers in those languages been approached to create content? Is there a “content generating” initiative going on in the background?

I haven’t seen any official requests as such in the forums.

Just wondering…

I doubt if that will start until the new language slots open up.

In retrospect, having a poll to select the next language (as done with Korean) was not as effective as we had hoped, as it showed a lot of learner interest but amounted to very little when push came to shove.

In my opinion, one of the critical problems with Korean was that once it was launched there was little incentive to make it better by adding content, tutoring, etc.
However, if we can establish some guidelines with beta languages then the learners and speakers of the language will effectively have to prove themselves by providing content and actively learning before we will officially support the language. This will hopefully give us a better idea of what languages will actually attract the most active learners rather than, say, the most votes in a poll.

In this regard, if members will want to see a language become officially supported (meaning we actively work to improve it, refine it, deal with specific issues in that language, create a specific avatar and layout, etc.) then they will need to mobilize the community in that language, hopefully creating a better experience for new members who join as well.

I agree with alex. I think there should be a “call for content” in any language and those whose content pool is big enough will get consideration. Content will attract users. I also think that all languages should have an “absolute beginner zone” with audio support for flashcards and access to resources such as at dinglabs.

I think that’s how the new languages should have been set up from the beginning too. If there had to be a contest it should have been which language can generate the most native speaker content in a certain amount of time.


Over time I’ve basically become anti-beginner material. If it’s in a script I understand than I’m more likely to jump right into lingqing articles… I might use some Who Is She for listening or have an assimil book hanging around somewhere, but I’ve decided to start learning languages in the same way that I learned how to swim, by jumping in and trusting that I’d figure it out…


I know what you mean, I jump into intermediate or even advanced material pretty quickly and the lingq method with the instant translation integrated into the system allows you to even understand sentences with many new unknown words very quickly.

I’ve been studying Swedish for maybe ten days and I’m already studying intermediate 1 and 2 content, which is fine, but on even on that level the content is limited.

Still I’d say it’s better to have some beginner material available just to be able to kind of ease into it even if only for the first week or two.

And in any case more content at any level and therefore more choice in choosing the content that suits and interests you, is the best.

And yeah Korean might be a fun and exotic language to study but how many Koreans are adding content?

I’d say adding a language should be based how good you can make the library of content.

So this new approach gives each language a fair chance and it’s up to the native speakers to make it work. The right approach in my opinion.

Blindside70 said:“If there had to be a contest it should have been which language can generate the most native speaker content in a certain amount of time.”

I think this is a very good idea. The trouble with normal internet polls is that the result can be manipulated by using multiple IP-addresses, getting non-interested friends and family to support a certain Language, etc. I believe I heard somewhere that there are even websites where you can pay to - as it were - ‘rent a crowd’…

If you just open it up and say to people: “okay, here’s the slot, now let’s see your content”, then you would soon find out where the genuine interest is.

I would like to learn Bulgarian, too. I can come here from Britain without a visa. While it is possible to get by in Bulgaria with Russian or, sometimes, English, the people are so friendly that it would be respectful to learn their language.

Peter (presently in Sozopol)

Not really bothered (as there aren’t really any other languages I’d like to study at the moment), but when do you think these beta languages will be ready?

For me there are some important languages that aren’t covered here yet. Those being Polish, Dutch and Arabic. Of course having Czech and Bulgarian would be nice for some people but surely they won’t have the interest that the others will have?

The Polish immigrant explosion across Europe and especially the UK indicates to me that it would be very useful.

@James - It’s always hard to speak to timelines, because things often take longer than one originally thinks… However, if all goes well we hope to implement beta languages by the end of June.
We’ll see if that’s actually possible as we dive deeper into it. :stuck_out_tongue: