I want to learn Japanese. Should I learn Katakana and hiragana before using LingQ?

I want to learn Japanese. Should I learn Katakana and hiragana before using LingQ?

I would recommend learning both Hiragana and Katakana from the very beginning, regardless of using LingQ or not. It is a good way to get rid of any tendencies to pronounce words in the “English” way, in my opinion.

For example if you see “to” in Romaji, it might be confusing at first, since the pronunciation of と in Japanese is quite different than English.

Both are quite easy to learn quickly and well worth the time. The sooner you stop using Romaji, the better!

Good luck!

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Yeah, I would learn them ASAP. You’ll be very frustrated down the road if you don’t learn them right away.


Yes. Take a week to get familiar with them both.