I need some advices

When the year started I made a plan about my goals in language learning. In this year my thought was: “my main focus is to achieve a descent B2 level in japanese. Also, I want at same time work the first four months in italian, then four months in french and at the end four months in english. Achieve what i can and I’m happy. Being Italian and French near to my mother language and also I’m decent with english I’ll don’t have so much problems doing it”.
After two months in italian I achieve a good B1 or a horrible B2. The problem is I really want to go to french, but I don’t want to leave italian lose the fun that I’ve know and not comply my plan.
Easy answer: go to french and in the middle of the year come back to italian. For anyone who has already passed by this situation kwons that’s isn’t simple.

Please, I need some advices. Thank you for your time.

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You have two months left to complete the program you set for yourself for Italian, so maybe you should stick with it or you could give a higher priority to French and less time to Italian. That’s what I’d do.

If you’ve reached that level where you can freely enjoy Italian then you don’t need to stop at all, at least for me, reading here at LingQ does not necessarily stop when I feel comfortable.

“The problem is I really want to go to french, but I don’t want to leave italian lose the fun that I’ve know and not comply my plan”

You don’t have to stop learning Italian. It’s going to be 3 months soon with Ukrainian and it didn’t affect my Russian and Spanish in any way because I make extra time for it. Keep on using lingq for Italian!


I always have this problem. I bounce around between Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and French, and I never reach the level that I really want to reach in any of them because I always switch between them. For example, I’ll be in Italy/Malta for the next month, so I’m going to focus on Italian. Then I’ll be back in Portugal (where I live) for six or so weeks after that, so I’ll go back to Portuguese. Then I’ll be in Spain for six weeks, so I’ll be back to Spanish. I think I need to just pick one and really focus heavily on that, and that one should be Portuguese because I live here now and because it’s the weakest of the four anyway. But if I’m travelling in other Romance language countries, it seems silly not to focus on them during that time.

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I would love. But my extra time it’s italian.
I know that I’ll not lose what a learn, however I’m quite interest in frence election, but on the other hand I’ve a lot of fun when I listen the radio “alle otto della sera” and also, read and listen my audiobook “Storia del colonialismo italiano in Africa”. So it’s quite difficult decide what I will do. Probably I’ll continue with italian.

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“But if I’m travelling in other Romance language countries, it seems silly not to focus on them during that time”.

I agree. It’s the best place to improve yours speaking skills so you should focus on it, as much as possible.
Last week I was reading a little poem book in spanish and I notice that my accent, during the reading, it was totally an italian accent. Since I don’t listen spanish a long time ago in the first minutes I found difficult to change my accent. So “active” the language before you travel seems a good idea.

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