I lingq app audio repeat

I think it would be a good idea to make it possible to repeat the lesson without having to get the ipod out of your pocket. could you guys add a repeat button. I know you can download audio and put it in music and repeat but I don’t want to have to sync my ipod every time I get a new lesson. any help would be appreciated

Why not put the audio on every 5 or so lessons? I always sync my iPod at the end of the day, to add audio on.

@donnie - That will have to go in the “would be nice” category. We’ll add it to the iLingQ wishlist.

I agree that a repeat button would be a nice on the iLingq App.

@donnie, MisterB - We just got a new version of iLingQ approved and in the app store. There is now a repeat setting that will allow all audio files to loop continuously. Thanks arsenius for doing this for us!

wow! Thanks :slight_smile: