I have stopped receiving emails and notifications

Recently, I have stopped receiving emails and notifications for daily links to review and weekly progress, although according to my account settings, I should be getting both. Is there anyone among the support staff who can look into this problem for me?

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Please note that the daily email is now combined with the streak email and if you have already completed your streak, you don’t get the email.
We understand that some users prefer to receive Daily LingQs email every day and we are already looking into changing this and allowing users to get and review LingQs.


On the same feature topic. I actually am having an issue, I looked at Norwegian and it got added to my language list. Now I’m getting daily email reminders although, I have it turned off for that language in my settings?

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@krisnd I assume you are receiving Streak Reminder emails? If so, you can disabled them at the bottom of the notifications page.

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Oh. okay thank you! Although, I still want to receive the streak reminder for Russian just not the other languages. So I’ll leave that on for now, I think it’ll turn it off for all languages.

Thank you.

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I, for one, would like to still receive the daily lingqs email and/or notification, as I had been relying on them for my vocabulary review.


I completely agree with you, I’m not sure why they would change it. Maybe to save the amount of emails going out?

It’s a crucial part of tracking, saving and ensuring goals. And just because you hit your streak shouldn’t mean you can’t get the daily update.

Hopefully they see this and figure out a middle ground.


I know that many LingQers don’t want to receive LingQs of the day. But I’m from the ‘old guard’ who thinks that we have to repeat our new words in order not to forget them.
The absence of the LingQs of the day confuses me strongly. What have I do to receive them again? When I study or repeat several languages here on Lingq, should I chose the streaks of all languages to receive Lingqs of the day?


Could you return the daily emails to us again Please ?
It was THE great added value of LingQ, amazing, and very very useful!
I agree with the comments which perfectly explain how unique and useful it was. Even though I didn’t use it every day, I used it very often and I find that one of the major advantages of LingQ is gone: why such incomprehensible destruction?


@BlueBird14 We are working on it and we will add them back soon.



Are they back yet? How can I request them?

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@Jakoszuta Do you have Daily LingQs email enabled under the Settings?

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