I have imported my content, read them, created LingQs. Now what?

Hi there,

I am confused by LingQ, I am not sure how to use it.

I read here and there that everyone has its own use of LingQ, but I just don’t know what to do.

I feel like seeing new words only once is far from enough to remember them, but as the same time I read that flip cards are not the main focus in LingQ.

Have I discovered everything LingQ has to offer ?

What advice would you give me to keep learning with LingQ, should I reread my content ?

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If you are not using an other SRS like for example Anki then I do recommend using the SRS features that LingQ has under the Vocab section. It is a good supplement to see words more often.
Also rereading and relistening to the same content multiple times is beneficial if the content is challenging for you. How often exactly is up to debate. But repetition is valuable.
The Main Idea of LingQ is that now you have a few LingQs you can search the library for content that has the lowest amount of unknown words you can find. That allows you to engage with content that is relatively easy for you. Then besides the new words you will encounter words that you have already lingqed, and then you can move them up in the levels one 1 to 4 until you mark them as known.


Seeing new words only once is certainly not enough in my opinion. Personally, I use LingQ like this:

1- I identify or create courses/lessons that I might enjoy.
2- I start in Sentence View, add the LingQs, actively listening to each sentence and then do the review for each sentence including sentence recomposition/speech recognition.
3- Later, when I am more comfortable with each sentence, I switch to Page View and I listen to the whole dialog which I should now better understand, and I review using the Review Due or Review Lesson.
4- After a while, all the words will be known (4+) but I still re-listen to the dialog which will remind me the words and imprint them in memory. If I forgot one of them I click on it and relearn.

In the process, if the course become boring I move on to the next one and very often the words I already learned will start to appear in other lessons.

I pretty much never use the Vocabulary section. But I use the Playlist a lot for improving listening and comprehension.


In most cases, you will need to see the word in context more than once. You can either re-read the content, use some of the “review” functionality that LingQ provides, or some of the SRS functionality. If you are in sentence mode as the other eric suggests, there is a “review” sentence feature as well (click the button at the bottom right).

Having said all that, you don’t HAVE to re-read, use SRS, review, etc. The most common words you will see over and over again in future lessons and content. So you really have many chances to see these words again. You aren’t going to just see them this one time and never have a chance again =). Many Lingqers don’t re-read or do SRS or review, because they will see these words again and have many opportunities to utlimately learn them.

In the beginning though, you may find these tools helpful to get more comfortable with the language. You may also find them helpful at later stages. So you have a lot of flexibility in how you want to go about it.


Now you’re here with us forever, because there’s no cancel button.


The simple answer is to read, read, and then read some more! You can use the flash cards if you want but the more that you read you will start to realize that Natural SRS which is just coming across words over and over again, you will naturally start to remember words. I have used flash card apps for years but i hated the grind of the reviews. Lingq didn’t really start clicking for me until i started just reading as much as i possibly could and then i had that “ah hah” moment and now i never want to go back.

Instead of using flash cards you basically keep coming across words and then you mark each word from 1 -4 (this is just you judging how well you know this word) or you can mark a word as known. That’s the method of lingq. The goal is to have your lessons not have yellow or blue words in them eventually. You will find that the more you come across the words in different contexts it will become easier to remember.

Another huge thing that lingq does is it tracks everything in the stats page and in your known words counter at the top. Just getting my number bigger everyday really motivates me and then you can do cool things like join challenges to compete against other people if you feel like it for motivation.

Now another very important thing is that you need to find and import content that is closest to your level as you possibly can or just above your level. You will see a blue percentage under the lesson that says how much percentage of unknown words are in that lesson. I try to stick with lessons where its no higher than 10% of unknown words.

I find that if you are reading a lesson where the whole thing is filled with unknown words, it kinds of overloads your brain and it becomes discouraging. If you are a beginner then you may just have to read some very basic stuff and build your way up but its very rewarding when you go back and see that you know all the words from previous lessons. Rereading lessons over again is also a great way to learn as well but only do it if you want to. At the end of the day you will only succeed if you are interested in what you are doing so if that means reading harder content with a ton of unknown words but you are interested in it, then go ahead and do that.

Hope it helps!


Thank you for all you answer ! It is a bit clearer now, thank you :grin:


Ha ha ha, that’s a “typical S.I” comment :smile:

LingQ is just too futuristic for a Cancel button.
It has a living and breathing Cancel “function” called Zoran.

Cancel “buttons” are so 1990s…

By the way, LingQ has a superpower in creating polyglots through despair:
What do you do when you can’t leave it?
You learn another L2 and then another L2 and then…

So, the secret vision of LingQ is:
Populate the world with an army of polyglots.

What’s not to like about a “rebabelization of our planet”? And you don’t even need a “Babbel” subscription for doing that :smile:


LingQ is anti cancel culture, huh? :smiley:


You could certainly try to learn the vocabulary you’ve “LingQed” up until now. In fact, one function that you might find useful is the tagging one, which should allow you to save particular pieces of vocabulary for use with the SRS.

I (and I think most other repeat users of LingQ) have found it much more rewarding to keep reading. Whenever I’ve used the SRS, the nagging doubt remains whether it wouldn’t be more useful to spend that same time reading.

I find that there are always some words I’m on the cusp of learning. At first that’s the most common words, and then gradually as I read on, the words I remember get less and less frequent. As long as I don’t run out of words that I’m just about to remember (spoiler alert: I haven’t run out of them in any language except English and my native German), I don’t feel a need to learn something else instead.

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