I get it. You need some alone time

I get it. You need some alone time.

Question: We can use “alone” before a noun?
I always heard “I am alone”, “she lives alone”, I didn’t know we could use alone + noun.

Thank you.

‘Alone time’ is a specific term. I wouldn’t recommend putting ‘alone’ in front of any noun you want :slight_smile:


Yeah, ‘some alone time’ is just slang for ‘some time to/for/by oneself.’
But you make a very good observation: ‘alone’ does not normally modify a noun — except in this case.
I get it. You need some alone time. You need some time to yourself.

Proper grammar would be: You need some time alone. But ‘you need some alone time’ has a more comforting, consoling, compassionate feel to it, I would say.


If you want to get into it a little further, we could talk about the nuances between:
By yourself. To yourself. For yourself.

What is the difference?

They all essentially mean time ‘alone.’ But there are subtle differences in meaning. Other people may have a different take on this, but here’s what I would say…

By yourself. If you are by yourself, to me that is more emotional in the sense that we are social animals. If you are by yourself, you are, at least temporarily, socially isolated, thereby emotionally isolated. It means that you are truly alone. Maybe even lonely. There is no one else around to talk to or do things with. You are by yourself.

To yourself. If you have time to yourself, to me that is more mental. It means that you have some time to spend on your own with no one else distracting you. It is time spent away from others. Time to think. Time to reflect. It could even be time to sort out your emotions. But it is time that you need to concentrate. Maybe write. Or maybe just time to sit quietly in your own space and read a book. Or study languages! It’s not necessarily quiet. You could be drawing while listening to the radio or just watching tv, but there’s not a lot of activity going on. “Quiet time.” Time to yourself.

For yourself. If you have time for yourself, to me that is more physical. There is more activity involved. It means that you have some leisure time to spend on things which you enjoy doing on your own. It is time spent just for you, for things that you enjoy. Time away from your family and/or responsibilities. Time to relax or exercise or do what you please. Maybe going to the gym or going shopping or going to the spa with some friends. You are not necessarily all alone, but you are doing things just for you. “Me time.” Time for yourself.

So to me, “you need some alone time” means you need some time to yourself. You need some “quiet time.”

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Wow, there ARE subtle differences in meaning. I have to read it over and over to digest it. It helps a lot.

By the way, I think there is a typo in “to yourself” paragraph. I hope you don’t mind if I pointed it out as following.
It could even be time to sort OUT your emotions.

Thank you, anyway, brucenator!!

yes, thank-you, lilyyang, I have corrected the typo.

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