I don't welcome inflation

“Policymakers have been hoping that once prices start to rise, consumers and business will be encouraged to start spending and not hold back on purchases, as they may have to pay more later on.” (BBC)
Japan inflation rate at 32-year high

I will not hurry to purchase things. Besides, as a pensioner I don’t welcome inflation.

The devil made me click the rose button.

I don’t know why they want to increase the prices in the name of boosting the economy.

“‘The inflation numbers have been driven by a rise in fresh food prices and utility prices,’ said Glenn Levine, senior economist at Moody’s Analytics in Sydney.”
Japan consumer prices rise at fastest pace since 1982 | @CNBC

“Japan’s economy has been in the spotlight this week after Abe unveiled details of the ‘third arrow’ of this economic strategy to boost Japan’s long-term growth prospects.
The plan calls for corporate tax cuts, a bigger role for women and foreign workers and easing regulations in areas such as agriculture and health care.”
Japan consumer prices rise at fastest pace since 1982 | @CNBC

Abe is going to support transnational corporations (TNCs). TNCs are not concerned about national boundaries, nor are they concerned about people’s lives.

Emmanuel Todd

“My preoccupation now is not protectionism; it is getting rid of the euro. Protectionism through currency management is my only real goal now. All I want is to move away from the ideology of absolute free trade. The French will protect their cinema. Americans will protect their military things. The Japanese will protect a lot of things.”
Emmanuel Todd: The paradox of America’s fading empire