How does a word change to yellow? Do I click it?
And also what is a LingQ? I don’t understand what that means.
Sorry for being dense. Any help would be appreciated.
Check out some of the tutorials on YouTube or reading the help guide will help you understand.
Blue = word you encounter for the first time
Yellow = word you have already given a definition to and is marked level 1, 2, or 3
Underlined = word you have marked as level 4
White = word you have marked as Ignore or Known
A lingQ is any word you’ve given a definition to.
And to answer your question: click it (web browser) or tap it (phone app) to bring up a dialog and choose the definition that most suits the context.
Adding from what others already said, conceptually, you go from blue to white.
Blue → yellow 1 → yellow 2 → yellow 3 → white underlined 4 → white.
If you don’t do anything with a blue word, once you page or finish a lesson, the system will turn it to white.
Otherwise, you click on a blue word and you choose or search for a definition, and becomes a yellow 1.
From there, you progress at your choice to move it to yellow 1 until white.
SRS system, that I don’t use, also move this progression calculated on how many times you worked on the same word.
Hope it helps.
Aha. Thankyou so much. In this case it doesn’t help as much as it could, because I have a lot of white words that I don’t understand having only come across them once or a small number of times.
Is there a way I can either:
keep all my words blue so that when i click them the definition comes up automatically. or
have the defintion come up automatically when i click all words?
If you come across a white word you don’t know, just select it and it will turn back to blue while it’s selected. You can then take action and create a LingQ of it.
Nope. As Zoran said, you can turn those white words in yellow words when you find them.
A yellow word is also called a lingq. Lingqing is the action of creating definitions, basically.
The point is that, as you progress, you will have a clear visual reference between what you know, what’s new (blue), and what you have already searched (yellow).
You will have also a preview in the lesson you decide to read, the percentage of blue words and yellow words in it. This will help you to understand if that lesson is too dense of words you don’t know, and maybe choose an easier lesson.
The way you manage yellow words, or lingqs, it is up to you, some people have different methods to decide when move words from 1 to 3, or use 4, or jump from 1 to white/known.
Just don’t think about it too much, don’t overthink it, keep using the software and step by step you’ll find your best way to progress.
When in the reader, reading a lesson, it’s important to go into settings and set “paging moves to known” as you wish. Turn it on or turn it off. If it’s on (in the browser), make sure that you’ve clicked on all highlighted blue words you don’t know and created a link - otherwise they will be moved to known and be “white” (no highlight) next time you see them – and they will add to your known word count.
But of course, if some word is shown as known and you forgot it or added it to known accidentally, click on it, scroll down, and change its status to “1” to indicate it’s the first time you have seen the word. Learn to use this feature, and you can always change the status of the words, particularly to indicate you now know the word.
In the iOS app, I see a pop up when I page with a listing of the words with options to indicate you know the words, create links, or go back and review the page.