I can't hear the audio on the flash cards

I can’t hear the audio on the flash cards and the under-lined words on the lesson today. I use Google Chrome on XP and win7 starter. Neither audio-button works. On my iphone, I can hear the audio.

I have the same problem…since today.


Audio not working in the LingQ box and in flashcards as of today (was working yesterday)

Seems like not only me!

Thanks for the heads up. We’re looking into this now and hope to have it sorted out soon!

Thank you, Alex. I can hear the audio today!

@Kumiko - I wish we could take credit for fixing it but it turns out it was a problem with Google’s text-to-speech engine which they have now resolved. At any rate, it is working well again now!

Hello, Mark. Could you check Mac OS Mountain Lion? I still can’t hear the sound on flash cards.

@yukoxoxo2000 - Which browser are you using? It seems to be working fine on Chrome and Firefox for me.

I’m using Safari.

Hi, Alex. Now I can listen to the flash card sound on Safari. Thank you for fixing the problem!

Not anything on our end, but glad to hear it’s working now!