I Can´t Save my Lesson

Hey there,

I´m trying to save a lession that I´ve written, but when I click on “save” or “save&open” I get an error message that says

“Please correct the following error:
Field “language”: This field is required.”

All of a sudden, English is selected in the “language” drop down menu (instead of Japanese) and I can´t change the language to Japanese because the menu simply doesn´t react.

Using Firefox instead of Chrome didn´t help.
Does anyone else have the same problem?

Looks like they know about it and are on it.

@Paule89 - Thanks for reporting this issue. We are already looking into it. Hopefully, it will be fixed soon!

I cannot create a new Course either. If in the lesson page I select ‘Create new Course’ I am not going to the page where I can create a new course.

@silviad - what do you see when selecting “Create new Course”? I just checked it from my account. It works for me, I am able to see a pop-up form for creating a new course.

It works now, so It must have just been some bad response by your sever, Thanks so much! Silvia

@silviad - Great to hear! Please let us know if there are any other issues. The lesson editing problem should be fixed very soon as well.