I am a new member!

321 is a new member of LingQ. Can someone do me a favor and tell me what’s going on here? What is the method? Who is Steve Kaufmann?

Hi 321,
I have written my answer in the German Forum - look there and have fun here!

Hi Irene,
I have wirtten my answer in the German Forum too.
Look there and have fun there!

HI Irene and Yaasshhaarr I am new also, I don t reallly know what to expect,just want to try things i see and hopefully learn some italian.

Hi rober, you may be interested in the following thread, entitled ‘Study Plans’ (ways to study at LingQ):


Hello there, my name is Claudia and I´m new here as well. I was looking for a website where I could improve my english knowledges. I think it´s interesting to hear all those articles or stories and to learn a lot new words. But how can I manage to get enough points to maybe be able to talk to some of the tutors without having to buy some points???

Hallo Claudia,
ich habe etwas dazu ins deutsche Wiki von LingQ geschrieben: LingQ / Punkte. Bei weiteren Fragen, schreibe einfach ins deutsche Forum.
Viele Grüße

hello everyone !!
I’m new here too, i hope i can download some useful tools. If you could tell me a page to download them free that will help me a lot. On February I’m going to Disneyland so i need to practice more.
