I´m looking for

I would like to find a friend. I am from Czech Republic and I go to study at University of Economics in Prague. My English is not too good and I would like to improve my English. So I´m looking english speaking girl or boy, who lives in Prague and he or she would like to meet me and converse with me. We can go out and do many activities, I like going to fitness centre, jogging and things like that… I like also cultural activities - films and concerts…
I hope that I will find somebody, I look forward to you! :slight_smile: If you have any questions, send me e-mail. I will reply!

Skitty, consider using Skype. It’s great in order to improve your English or other languages. You can do it by signing up conversations with tutors or simply finding people who wants to speak in English. I do both approaches. It’s very time efficent.

Yes, thank you for your advice… but … I would like to meet somebody personally and I didn´t know where can I write my ad… because if I write my ad on czech web, hardly ever english speaking boy or girl finds my advertisement…

Well, there are webs like http://www.conversationexchange.com/ . You can try it out.
Also, you can look for foreign students who speak English at universities around where you live (see bulletins board). Maybe you might make an exchange.

Isn’t there a English town in Prague where foreigners hang out. I would think you would find an area like this around a school, university, coffee shop in the city. Or how about going to work for a travel service for tourists. Tourists always want to find the real Prague and you might be able to show it to them.

I live in Bydgoszcz in Poland. Prague is not far from away (about 600 km) so I could be come to you. It’s joke of course :slight_smile: your english is very good :slight_smile: