Huge chunks missing from imported e-book

I imported a Project Gutenberg E-book of Demian by Herman Hesse, and it seems that large sections are missing on lingq. I checked the file on the website to make sure it wasn’t the file, and there were the parts that I did not see on LingQ.

Do you mean whole chapters aren’t being imported or that areas of the text within lessons are not being displayed? Did you try editing the parts to see if the text shows in the editing view?

I went into editing view and nothing new showed up. But it appears to be not whole chapters, but lots of individual paragraphs that are missing.

That does sound strange. Have you tried importing the file a second time? If you continue to have problems, please send the file to support at lingq dot com and so we can reproduce the issue and figure out what is happening.

I just tried, and the problem appears to still be there. Demian: Die Geschichte von Emil Sinclairs Jugend by Hermann Hesse - Free Ebook Here’s the link. I used the epub version.

Thanks @walkchap, I was able to reproduce the issue. We will look into it.
In the meantime, you can convert downloaded epub file to pdf here: EPUB to PDF Converter: Convert EPUB Ebook to PDF Ebook (Free) and import it again. It will import completely after converting.
