How to work on listening?


I took the TOEFL on July 11th, and I got the result yesterday,
I got a very good score on Reading and Writing, but my score on Listening was very low (5 points)
I’ve been studying english for years, and I think I’ve not been doing it well!

The method which I’ve beeb taking is not effective, so I need to know a good method to improve quikly.

Is it necesary to sudy abroad in a country where English is spoken to speak it well?

any body here can u help me please I want learn swedish but I cant please in A to Z…please

When I came to TheLinguist (the name before LingQ) in March 2007 my English was really bad. I had difficulties in all, speaking, writing, understanding, word order and so on.
It is really the best way to listen to so often as you can! This is the best way to bring the language and using words in your brain.
The next is reading and vocabulary - it does not help - we have to do it.
My improvement in this last 16 month was amazing.
But I get the tip not to translate from my native language in the English language and that I try more and more (I look for the switch yet).

For me is very helpful to write and I write a lot. It is nice to bring the thoughts in a written form. You have time to do it, you are able to use dictionaries for finding the best words, you can read it out loud for a better feeling. Then you can send it to a tutor for correction.

I am happy that the tutor make his corrections in green and not in red! Green is more hopeful :slight_smile:

Great problems I have are in speaking. And here we come to your question for studying in a country with native English speakers.
My daughter says that is the best way for getting the correct feeling and how to use the right words in daily live. That can be only for 4-5 weeks when you find the right place and use the language often.
I think she has right.

The best way for me, when I cannot do this, is to take part on conversations here in LingQ. We have often a lot of fun in the group.

Have fun too!

To do well in TOEFL, you should first work on your ability to listen and understand, to read and understand, and your vocabulary. Just follow the instructions at LingQ. Listen often to the same content, but make sure you also read this content and save words and phrases.

I tend to save a lot of words and phrases. This gives me a chance to review them, and to see them highlighted in yellow in future texts. It is when you come across your highlighted words for the 4th or 5th time in a new context, that you really get to know them.

Start writing as soon as you can, and when you are confident enough, start talking. All of this is available at LingQ.

It is not necessary to study abroad. It can be a great experience but it is no guarantee of language success. I see lots of foreign language students here in Vancouver. Not all do well. Those that do well would do well at home. In my opinion you should only travel when are already quite good in the language, otherwise you are wasting your money.

Work often on the same material: read it, save words and phrases, ask questions and answer, paraphrase, re-write… and also see films, sketches and so on. A language is tied up to particular gestures, body’s language, a different
speed of speech. I think that living in the country, where the language we are studying is the native language, forces- to survive -to learn rapidly, even if not necessarily better. Many teachers think that it is more difficulty to eliminate the errors than to learn “correctly” from the beginning…