How to use the dashboard

I have been trying to export my vocabulary without success. The steps I have used are as follows:
1 - Opened up Vocabulary Window
2 - Selected More Actions
3 - Selected Export
and nothing happened, could anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?

You can only use “Export” if you previously selected which lingqs you want to export. If you want to export all of them, then use one of the “Export All…” options (the others are technically greyed out and unavailable if you haven’t selected any lingqs).

Sorry I had only included settings I had change and as on my copy the “All” is the default I did not mention it. The solution to the problem was “be patient” as the export function worked OK and I had forgotten the exported file is sent by e-mail not direct. Sorry about wasting everyone´s time.

But talking about filters in this area does anyone know how to set the filter(s) to exclude “Phrases”?