How to use the 'ask you tutor'?

I did not understand some words meaning,I came into the ‘ask you tutor’,but i did not know how to creat a new thread.Thank you !

Hi Emily,

You must be a Plus or Premium member to ask a question on the Ask your Tutor forum. Go to the Account section for more information on membership levels and to upgrade.

Hi Mark,
I’d just like to point out that in Steve’s original presentation “A Typical Week at LingQ” that is sent out to new members there is the following passage in Day 5: If you are a Basic, Plus or Premium member you can ask your tutor a question about your saved term.
I remember this from the German translation and was always wondering why there was no access to the tutor area for any questions I had. I know it would be in your interest to have more people upgrade their membership, but I don’t think this would be a big thing to allow this function also for basic members who might be buying points anyway.

Hi Reinhard,

That is a misprint in that email. We will have to change that. Thank you for pointing it out. In fact, only Plus and Premium members pay for tutoring and are eligible to submit questions on the Ask a Tutor forums. We are looking at opening this forum up to more members in the future but for now it is restricted.