How to stop "Go Premium" pop-up

Is there any way to stop the “Go Premium” pop-up, that appears at almost every click… If not, I’m out of here. It’s not that I don’t appreciate all the work and the free lessons available, but the constant pop-up is really annoying, and budget wise I have to cut out as much as possible, so no premium for me. Can we get rid of it, or not? Thank you.

Hello there. You need to upgrade to Premium to get access to translations and dictionaries.

You could also use our referral program to earn 100 free LingQs per friend you invite (up to 20 friends). They also get 100 free LingQs when signing up through you!

I would content myself with using the free version only. It’s just that the constant insistence to “Go Premium”, makes it really annoying to use the free version, with all due respect.

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You’re not understanding. That IS the free version. It just lets you try it a little. Then it becomes unusable unless you pay.

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Thank you, that was actually the information I was looking for : “Then it becomes unusable”. I thought there maybe was a useable free version.

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Diese Frage hatte ich auch. Und es ist eine richtig unbefriedigende Anwort. Ich habe ein paar Dinge ausprobiert mit der Sprache Russisch, dabei viele bugs festgestellt und mich gefragt, wie das denn so funktionierten soll. Und dann merke ich, die als kostenlos vorgestellten Funktion sind nicht kostenlos. Das halte ich nicht für einen Fehler, sondern für Betrug! Ich hätte gerne für ein gutes Programm bezahlt, aber das ist (wie man im Deutschen gerne sagt): “Mit Speck fängt man Mäuse”! und der Speck war noch vergammelt dazu. Nein danke.

Danke für deinen Kommentar. Ich fühle mich jetzt weniger allein!

It seems, that now the pop ups do not show up anymore, as you cannot check on ANY vocabulary anymore, if you did not know it yet. So for me this tool became now completely useless, and I feel betrayed somehow, as the description of what you get for free, stated something different.
I do not see the point for asking users to deliver services for free if you do not get anything back at all anymore …

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For us, wannabe free users, I guess we all agree it could be indicated in a more transparent fashion. Rare are the companies that escape the temptation of the aggressive modern business models. I’m happy for Lingq doing well and providing people with a living, but presenting part of their services as being free, while it’s just a honeytrap, feels scammish. I guess the original idea is to imitate Duolingo, which truly has a very expansif free version.

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You may want to stop using LingQ then. But in the grand scheme of things, LingQ is really pretty cheap for the value that it provides. Just the price of a meal (or two cheap meals?) and you get a whole month’s worth. Or just skip a meal and you are set.

What part of the chart on the get premium page where it compares the free product and the premium product is this covered? Up until a few days ago, this was not the case and I do not see where it makes that distinction when comparing the two products. It actually calls out “Access available full text translation and notes” and “SRS vocabulary review tools” as being part of the free version.

@MrChipmunk For lessons that do have full translation available (“Show Translation” option under the lesson menu) it is available and accessible for Free accounts too. However, to get access to dictionaries and translations for selected words/phrases you need to upgrade to Premium.

The only real difference seems to be if you do not already know the word, you cannot click on it for a translation, but if you say you know it and go back a page, you can click on it for a translation. I understand if you no longer want that for users of the free version. I am just curious as to what prompted the change as it has not been working that way for at least the last 2 and half months I have been using the product. Are other changes coming to the free or premium versions?

We gave all users limited time access to translations after we launched LingQ 5.0 and it worked that way for a while. But we switched it back to how it always worked. There won’t be any additional changes.

Okay thank you, that makes a lot more sense now.