How to see my known words?

please could anyone tell me how i can see my known words? thanks.

I’m actually having the same kind of trouble… I’m new to this but I think you have to earn points to actually gain access to your known words. Does that sound possible?

Hi, Laura,
Welcome to LingQ.

To answer your question.
There are three dropdown boxes at the top right of your LingQ screen.
Position your cursor on the down arrow beside ‘Learn’.
Click on ‘Vocabulary’.
There is a panel on the right side of the Vocabulary screen.
Underneath the word ‘Filter’ you see the word ‘status’ followed by 1, 2, 3, 4.
One by one click on 1, 2 and 3. (You will have to wait a bit after clicking each number for the screen to refresh).
The words left on the Vocabulary screen will be your known words.
NB: The words you do not LingQ but rather mark as known as you read texts do NOT show up on that list. In fact, the system does not collect those words at all.

Hope this helps.

Welcome to LingQ.

"Does that sound possible?¨ Hmmm. Although it does sound possible, in fact you do not have to earn points to see your known words. And by known, I mean known in the sense as I described it to Laura.

By the way, in case you do want to see ALL your known words, here is what you can do. Because you have not accumulated many words yet, you could reset your language(s), which will delete all your data. Then you can start again. This time LingQ every word. As you go along, or when you finish a text, you can mark the words you know as 4. Then you will have a list of all of them.

I am studying Ancient Greek*, and I want to learn the vocabulary backwards and forwards. What I mean is, I want to know the English equivalent of all the Greek words and the Greek meaning of the English translation. So I started from scratch, and I lingQ every word except the very simplest.

  • I use the English section for studying Ancient Greek.

Hope this helps.