How to manage new words

Can someone explain a bit how the system works with new words?

When I come across a new word, I click on it to get a definition and then it gets added to my pile of unknown words. I then get a daily email on these unknown words and try to learn them.

Next, I go to the flash cards, and, if I know the definition, I click on number 4 (that the word is known). Sometimes the word gets taken out of my pile, but most of time, I get a box asking when I want to be retested on the word.

I don’t understand what is happening here. I would like the word removed from my pile and then, if I click 15 days, then, in two weeks’ time, I would like to again see articles that have this word marked as possibly unknown and be able to see if I understand it in context. But, instead, the word stays in my pile and, the next time I click on 4, I again get asked when I would like to see the word.

How does this system work?

Also, there are some words that I don’t know, but for which the usage seems so infrequent to me that I want it taken out of my pile, even though I don’t know it. I click on the X, and the word disappears. However, when I go back to an article which contains this word, I don’t see it marked as an unknown.

How does this part of the system work?



Sure, I’d be happy to explain a bit more of how the system works!

If you move a word to Status 4 from Status 1-3, it is set to be reviewed in 15 days. If you then click on Status 4 again, you can decide when you want it to be shown to you again.

If you click the “X” on a saved word, you are removing it from your list of saved words and moving it to the “Ignore” pile. Since you don’t want to save the word and you don’t want to mark it as Known, the “Ignore” status is a good fit. You can always highlight it again and save it if you want to save it at a later date, but it won’t affect your statistics.

Hope this helps! If you have any additional questions don’t hesitate to ask.

Thanks, Alex.

I have had a word in my flashcard pile for a week or more and every time I see it, I click on Status 4 and it comes back the next day. It doesn’t ever seem to get removed from the flashcards.

When you write that it is set to be reviewed in 15 days, does that mean it is supposed to be in my flashcard pile again in 15 days, or the pieces of literature that I access, or both.


What status is this word before you click on Status 4? If it’s already Status 4, then you’ll have to click on Status 4 and select a different time frame (other than 15 days), otherwise it’s equivalent to not changing the status.

The 15 days means that it will be added to your SRS pile again in 15 days. You may very well see it again before that if you’re reading through and reviewing lessons regularly, but at the very least it will be readded to the pile after 15 days is up.

@JohnR - Just to be clear, if you click on Status 4 and then click on it a second time, you will see more review period options for displayed.

Yes, that is correct, Mark.

Hi again, Alex ~

In an earlier note, you wrote:

“f you click the “X” on a saved word, you are removing it from your list of saved words and moving it to the “Ignore” pile. Since you don’t want to save the word and you don’t want to mark it as Known, the “Ignore” status is a good fit. You can always highlight it again and save it if you want to save it at a later date, but it won’t affect your statistics.”

I tried an experiment today and could not get that to work. I went to the course “Los escritos de Emma (Mexico)” and did all 19 lessons, clicking on a number of words that I did not know and put them in my vocabulary to learn.

I then went to the list of unknown words and X’ed them out, hoping that they would be then viewed by the web page as new words for me, words that I did not know and had not seen before.

I closed down LingQ and then re-opened it and went back to the course. It showed that it had no new words for me.

This has been my experience elsewhere. If during the flashcards (my favorite method of trying to learn a new word), I X it out, the web site does allow me to see it in the text that I found it as a new word.

Thanks much. This is a great resource and I have shared it with several people over the last few days!


@JohnR1948 - Great to hear that you’re enjoying the site! :slight_smile:

Keep in mind that “ignore” and “new” are different. “Ignored” words appear with no highlight, though you can save them at a later date by highlighting them again. Once you interact with a word, you can’t make it “new” again. Instead, the three options are to save it, mark it as Known or mark it as Ignore.